It’s that time of year again…Global Wellness Day is coming! This is better than Christmas for a spa wellness brand: a day that celebrates wellness and how simple it is to incorporate wellness into our daily lives – no extra time, cost or training needed. The GWD manifesto provides seven ways to do it in each of the seven leading up to Global Wellness Day, with the point being that once you experience how easy and beneficial they are to do, that you’ll do them all year long. Let’s get started!
Day 1 – Walk for an hour
Guaranteed to get your 10,000 steps in one shot, proven to improve overall health, wellness and body function regardless of where your levels are when you start.
If an hour seems daunting or your schedule won’t allow, break it up into segments! The total is what counts. You’ll be amazed at how much better you will feel, breathe, manage stress, and sleep each time you make it.
Get even more out of a walk or any exercise by taking time for recovery. Cool down, stretch, and massage joints and muscles with a soothing, cooling balm like FuB Balm to keep them in tip top shape for your next jaunt!
Tip: A pedometer or fitness watch will not only log your steps but give you a sense of accomplishment and positive reinforcement as you see each step and minute checked off.